Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My fingers hurt and Phil from Modern Family has my iPhone Case

It's been a while since my last post, mostly because I've been super busy with studying for exams, and when exams were finally over I was catching up on sleep. Random note, my fingers hurt really badly right now and I can barely type on my keyboard. I've been playing guitar for the past 3 hours and in between playing I've been working on my finger muscles with the new finger exerciser I bought at Long and McQuade... I like that store, I wish I knew how to play all the instruments in there because I'd stay there all day and just randomly play instruments, except maybe not because then I'd go there everyday and probably kicked out because I wouldn't have any money to buy anything... although I could work there.... hmmm.

Anyway so after buying the hand finger grip exerciser/strengthener thing me and my friend had nothing to do, so we drove around while looking at drop in rec centres to see if there was anything fun, the only thing we could find was like senior squash and basketball, and I suck at basketball so we decided to go to a park by our school instead and have a snowball fight. Neither of us had gloves so we went to Winners in the mall and bought gloves... yeah... ended up spending too much time in there and bought more than just gloves... oh well. Finally got our gloves and had a snowball fight, except it wasn't real because my friend was oddly very scared of snowballs... don't know why because snowball fights are so fun... so instead we gave up and started building a snowman.

It was freezing and the gloves sucked so my hands were getting wet and starting to get freezing cold, we took a picture of our snowman and just went to go hang out at Tim Hortons... yeah, fun day.

I am definitely going backwards here but last night I was going through the photos on my iPhone while laying in bed as I couldn't fall asleep, and I found this one video that I had recorded of a few people doing the "marshmallow experiment" during one of our study sessions... this was the first time I've ever actually watched the full 6 minutes of what I had recorded, it was pretty funny... and it was quite interesting to see university students complete the experiment, in the same room too. I only did it for 6 minutes, whereas the real experiment goes for 20 minutes... If you have no idea what the marshmallow experiment is watch this video:

It was quite interesting to see how even though we are adults.. or well, at least much older than kids, everyone still pretty much did the same thing the kids did, which is getting really tempted to eat or at the very least play with the marshmallow... The conclusion of the experiment is that people who can wait it out generally are more dependable and overall more successful in life. It basically teaches us patience and that instant gratification (what the world is moving towards) may really not be the best thing for us... most things that happen with practice, patience and time is generally more lasting and much more appealing then things that happen instantly.

I've always been a huge fan of social psychological experiments, they're so fascinating, and the human mind is just.. well, mind blowing haha. Random book suggestion, and in case you didn't know, I hate reading, but this is another one of those books which I found to be extremely interesting.. it's called "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely. Go read it, it's good, if you like that sorta stuff...

And oh yeah... my iPhone case is now officially being used by a "celebrity" haha, Phil from Modern Family in the latest episode has upgraded to an iPhone 5 and is using the exact same Black and Green Belkin case I got for my phone a little over a month ago... so awesome, he's definitely my favorite character on modern family too! Good on you Phil.

I'm leaving in 3 days to go back to Calgary... not really sure how I feel about that, but we'll see I guess... I just can't wait to finally go skiing this season... I hope I'm able to do it since I haven't gone since smashing my face flat on the ground. I will make one more post right before leaving titled, "Bye Vancouver, Hello Calgary".... or I might not, because well, we're all suppose to die in 2 days anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Hey buddy! Please can you post some link of that iPhone cover. I'm madly in love with that cover and have been searching for it since that episode but can't find it anywhere !
    Please, I would really appreciate it.
